Friday, November 30, 2007

Bloc Party - Flux

Bloc Party, "Flux (12 inch version)" (YSI link)

Bloc Party, "Flux (JFK Remix)" (YSI link)

Bloc Party, "Flux (Punx Soundcheck "Tenebrae" Remix)"
(YSI link)

Sorry, sorry everyone, I've been working on a job application and haven't had a chance to spend much time here. Anyway, I'm going to make it up to y'all in the next few weeks, as I've got lots of stuff ready to go.

Anyway, I was going to say that I chose this to pick up the dance reinterpretations of dance-y rock music ball and run a little further with it, but really I just went with it because the song's called flux and fits perfectly with the state of my life, i.e. the job applications, the GRE studying, the blog announcements coming up. Fuck a parade, we love a theme at Pound for Pound!!! Here's another single from the band, although this one didn't make it onto the last Bloc Party album, A Weekend In The City. It's a shame, as this 12" extended version is one of the best things I've heard from the band since the first album. The band has traded that bigger, fuller sound from the album for something more subtle and slow-moving. With an almost oscillating synth sound dominating and rapid, flittering drums, you get a less hook-laden track. If you haven't done so, make sure to buy a copy of the CD, which grows on me with each passing month more and more.

The biggest news on the remix EP is that one-half of MSTRKRFT, Jesse F. Keeler, has done a remix under the alias JFK. He has stripped things down, added a cool piano and sharp, stuttering drums that focus the original. This one grooves a little more than the usual MSTRKRFT stuff, but it should appeal to their fans. I actually prefer the Punx Soundcheck "Tenebrae" remix, which brings in a nice, massive bass to make me happy. It also chops up the original, which works really well.

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