Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Juno Soundtrack


Barry Louis Polisar, "All I Want Is You"
(YSI link)

Kimya Dawson, "Tire Swing" (YSI link)

The Moldy Peaches, "Anyone Else But You"
(YSI link)

Ugh, I feel like I still haven't recovered from Valentine's Day. I got to spend my Saturday night in the company of the married with kids on the way, the married without kids yet and the engaged. Logically, I followed up that by returning home and drunkenly reading emails from MC that I hadn't opened in months (for the record, I'm not married to JR, not down with implants). Normally, I would wallow and be sad, contemplating the fact that I will die alone. Ahh, but not today, my friends, not today. Today I want to post about one of those things that just makes me happy, that puts a smile on my face and gives me hope and makes me want to hold hands with a girl, the soundtrack to the movie Juno.

I'm sure that everyone and their moms has seen the movie about 16 year old Juno and her unexpected pregnancy. Typically, I was months behind on this one, but who cares? It's a good movie, like seriously made me happy and teary eyed and that's about all you can ask for from a movie. Add in 2 actors from Arrested Development and you got yourself a favorite.

The thing I loved most was the music in the movie; much like a Wes Anderson movie, it seemed to perfectly fit the movie's vibe and make scenes that much better. I found myself waiting until the end of the credits to see what songs I'd just heard, which might not sound like a lot, but consider the fact that I had to pee about 10 minutes in. Also like Anderson's soundtracks, this one specializes in catchy rock songs that may not have come across your radar, like Barry Louis Polisar's "All I Want To Do," plus a few tunes from more well-known artists like Pound for Pound favs Cat Power, the Velvet Underground and Buddy Holly. There's a perfect mix of sweetness and melancholy throughout, which obviously appeals to me.

The majority of the songs were written by Kimya Dawson of Moldy Peaches fame and those were pleasant surprises, had never really heard her music and kinda assumed I wouldn't. Ahh, never judge a book by its cover, or an artist by their genre. Her songs are lo-fi acoustic numbers that center on her oddball lyrics that have a darkness to them and slightly-straining voice that makes me happy. I know that this isn't the greatest review ever, but all I can say is that all I want to do is listen to this album right now, it makes me want to go steady with a girl, fall in love, walk around the Lower East Side, spend time with friends, laugh, cry. I can't recommend this album more highly, grab it for under $10. Let me end with some lyrics from "All I Want Is You" cos they make me happy:

If you were a wink, I'd be a nod
If you were a seed, well I'd be a pod.
If you were the floor, I'd wanna be the rug
And if you were a kiss, I know I'd be a hug

All I want is you, will you be my bride
Take me by the hand and stand by my side
All I want is you, will you stay with me?
Hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea.

I'm taking a little break from posting right now, as I have a job interview tomorrow and some articles due. Things should pick up again Thursday, hopefully everyone can wish me luck and think good thoughts at 4pm Wednesday.

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