Monday, May 7, 2007

Rare Photo of Isabella Cruise

Isabella and Connor Cruise live with their Dad, Tom Cruise, in LA, these days, but it looks like Nicole Kidman managed to arrange a visi with her children in Australia. Connor, 12, is expected to join his sister next week.

Our Auzzie friends at Celebs and Bubs reports:
WITH a dyed-blue fringe and a vintage Ramones T-shirt, Nicole Kidman's teenage daughter, Isabella, left a Sydney salon yesterday looking like an "emo" poster girl. The teenage daughter of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman had flown into Sydney just hours earlier - and one of her first engagements was with a hairdresser. The grungy 14-year-old touched down on a Qantas flight early yesterday before being driven to the Darling Pt mansion Kidman shares with her second husband, country-music star Keith Urban, about 8.30am. Within hours of her arrival, the adopted child of the Hollywood stars had a makeover at Kidman's hair salon of choice, Valonz at Paddington. One observer described the new style as emo, a new-generation Gothic or punk. "She a had a short brunette bob, and now she's got a coiffured look with a blue fringe,'' the passer-by said. "It's currently being described as an emo cut.'' Isabella's new look, which took three and a half hours, is a far cry from the curls she sported as a toddler in the arms of her famous dad. Isabella, with a Blackberry personal organiser attached to her hip, and her burly minder appeared unfazed by the paparazzi trailing them. "She was quite pleasant, and there was no kerfuffle when she left,'' a witness said.

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