Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Twin Info 101

Since this blog is all about twins, i'll be posting things and information that involves matters concerning twins. And first thing we should know about it is what does the term twin means. So, I search for it and found an article about it at Just read below and find out.

Defining Twins:

Twins are two offspring resulting from the same pregnancy, either of the same or opposite sex. Human twins are two individuals who have shared the uterus during a single pregnancy and are usually, but not necessarily, born in close succession. Due to the limited size of the mother's womb, multiple pregnancies are much less likely to carry to full term than singleton births, with twin pregnancies lasting only 37 weeks on average, 3 weeks less than full term. Since premature births can have health consequences for the babies, twin births are often handled with special precautions.

Types of Twins:

1. Identical/ monozygotic
2. Fraternal/dizygotic -(commonly known as "non-identical twins")
3. Semi-identical

Five common variations of twinning.

(1) male-female fraternal twins -the most common result, at about 40 percent of all twins born;
(2) female fraternal twins -(sometimes called sororal twins);
(3) male fraternal twins
(4) female identical twins
(5) male identical -least common (I don't quite agree because so far all twins I know of are males)

male-female fraternal twins

2. female fraternal twins

male fraternal twins

female identical twins

5) male Identical twins

Twin Trivia:

Do you know that there
are estimated to be approximately 125 million human twins and triplets in the world (roughly 1.9% of the world population),and there are just 10 million identical twins (roughly 0.2% of the world population and 8% of all twins).

*More detailed information about the types of twins coming up on the next post. Hope you watch out for it!

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