Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rushing a Relationship & Men....Not Fabulous!


I have come across articles where some women are willing to rush a relationship, so they can get married, etc, etc. Well ladies, women are not the only ones doing this, some men have jumped on that bandwagon as well.

When I think about my first committed relationship, my fiance at the time was on that same bandwagon.  I was 18 and he was in his early 20's.  We were together for about 7 months and he proposed.  I was 18, thought I knew he was the one so I said yes.  You know when your young you think you know everything.  Anyway,  he was ready to get married asap but I told him I don't want to get married until I graduate college.  He then wanted to have a baby asap and I wasn't with that either.  Everything was a rush as he felt these things needed to be accomplished for him before he was 30.  Well sorry that wasn't the case for me.  Well the end result was that we broke up when I was 21 and less then a year later he was married.  Although I discovered I loved this man but wasn't in love with him, I wondered was he rushing because he truly loved me or because he wanted to accomplish his marriage and kids goal before a certain time?

So back to my point, I was reading an article and came across a woman in her 30's who has been dating a young male in his late 20's for almost two months and he is already ready for her to have his babies, two to be exact and get married.  The part that through me for a whirlwind was when this young woman stated that her and her boyfriend are trying to get pregnant already as she knows they will be together forever.  What in the sam hell?  I expect to hear that from a teenager but not from a grown woman in her thirties.

So of course I asked myself because I couldn't ask her, "What do they know about each other?, What does she know about him?, What does he know about her?,Do they want the same things or have the same goals?, Have they gone together to get tested for STD's or at least showed each other paperwork since they are trying to get pregnant? Will they really get married or will she be left barefoot and pregnant?  So many questions, so little time.

I feel that these days especially you have to ask yourself some of these questions at the beginning of a relationship.  Also, the first few months together is the time when you get to know each other.  Find out what you like about the other individual and don't like.  You take it step by step getting to know each other and when you realize the person isn't and never will be perfect can you still see yourself with him or her? 

I just don't see the sense in rushing any relationship because if you are meant to be then marriage and babies will come in due time. 

So ladies your thoughts?

Stay Fab!

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