Friday, February 25, 2011

Fabulous Health Tip: Foods and Beverages That Give You Brain Power...

As we get older we take on more responsibility and at times it can be very hard to concentrate on just one thing.  Believe it or not there are some foods out there that can keep our minds as well as our bodies sharp as we age.  Below are the foods and beverages that give us brain power and a short definition of their benefit.

  • Avocados- Reduces your risk of plaque buildup and enhances blood flow offering a sufficient way to get the brain juices flowing.
  • Blueberries- Helps to protect the brain from oxidative stress and may reduce conditions such as Alzheimer's or Dementia.
  • Breakfast- Breakfast is the number one source to fuel your brain throughout the day.  They call it the most important meal of the day for a reason.  The best breakfast to fuel your brain will be high in whole grains, dairy and fruits.
  • Caffeine- Can energize you and help you to focus and concentrate.  Just remember this only last a short time and you don't want to overdo the caffeine intake as it can make you jittery and uncomfortable.  Just one cup a day should be sufficient.
  • Dark Chocolate- Contains powerful antioxidants and contains natural stimulants that enhance focus and concentration. One ounce serving a day is sufficient.
  • Fish- This is a great protein source that gives your brain a boost.  The healthy fats found in fish are known to lead to slower mental decline and play a vital role in enhancing memory.  To keep your brain and heart healthy eat at least two servings of fish a week.
  • Nuts- Great source of antioxidant vitamin E which is associated with less cognitive decline as you get older.  One ounce serving a day is sufficient.
  • Sugar- When I say sugar I am not referring to table sugar but instead glucose.  Glucose is your brain's fuel source and in turn a small glass of a sweet drink (orange juice for instance) can offer a short term boost to memory and thinking processes.  Once again just don't overdo it as to much sugar can cause you to gain weight and memory can be impaired.
Get started on some of the above fabulous ones to help you concentrate during those long days.

Stay Fab!

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