Saturday, February 26, 2011

Make Your Resume Stand Out

Here are 5 tips to make your resume stand out, from Chris Spurlock, whose very colorful and original resume (above) went viral last week:
(1) MAKE IT YOU: You have to put a little bit of yourself into everything you produce. Listen to professors, people giving feedback, but at the end of the day you have to live with the work you produce.
(2) CONSIDER WHERE YOU'RE APPLYING: A resume like that isn't for everyone and not for every position even, but be creative and if they don't like it, you probably wouldn't want to work there anyway.
(3) HAVE FUN: At the end of the day, I was just doodling on my laptop, it's something I enjoy. Have a fun feel to it and don't take yourself too seriously, but also do it in a way so you're seen as professional.
(4) SHARE WITH OTHERS: Don't be afraid to push your work out there before it's finished. It's a great way to get feedback and there's no harm in asking for help.
(5) REACT TO CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM: Whether you're 20 or 75, you always have something to learn. Even though criticism is hard to hear, there's always something to make it better. See what people think to do just that.

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