Monday, September 27, 2010

Fabulous Health Fact!

So after my last article of Kim K. having a hissy about turning 30, it made me think of things that do change when you turn 30.  See the below fact and let me know if you agree.

According to experts when you begin to roll into your 30's your metabolism tends to slow down a bit and it's not as fast as it was in your 20's.  Of course the older you get the more your metabolism will slow down.  To keep your metabolism going you must remember to excercise and with this cardio and strength training are a key factor to keep your metabolism going at a good pace.  Also remember not to skip meals, especially breakfast as that revs your body up at the start of the day.

So ladies this means when you hit your 30's your life is not over but you must take care of yourself health wise and not be as careless as you were in your 20's.  This means no Chinese food at 2am and then off to bed.

Stay Fab!

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